Pick Your Own Blueberries in Strafford, NH

Jam It!

In yesterday’s post I mentioned that we now had time to visit some other farms for fresh fruit and produce.  One of the best farms around our area for fruit throughout the growing season is Butternut Farm in Farmington, NH which my husband and I recently visited for some awesome peaches and early apples.  We definitely have “farm envy” when we visit the lovely farm owned by Giff and Mae Burnap.  Lots of peach trees loaded with fruit greeted us the day we picked.



We hauled our bounty home and I created a new jam recipe with the peaches and blueberries (of course)!

Ginger Peachy Blueberry Jam

4 Cups Chopped Peaches

4 Cups Blueberries (frozen is ok)

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 cup water

5 1/2 cups sugar

1 teaspoon ginger (or 2 if you love ginger)

1 package of powdered pectin for jams and jellies

Peel and remove pits of peaches. Chop peaches.  Sort and wash blueberries or thaw frozen blueberries. Measure fruits into a kettle; add lemon juice and water; add pectin.  Bring mixture to a rolling boil and add sugar.  Return mixture to a rolling boil and continue stirring for 1 minute. Remove from heat and skim any foam off top.

Fill hot jam immediately into hot, sterile jars, leaving 1/4 inch headspace.  Wipe rims of jars with a damp cloth; add canning lids.  Process in a boiling water canner for 10 minutes. Enjoy!



It’s not too late to get some great late season peaches at Butternut or the farmer’s markets.  Check out Seacoast Eat Local for a list of area farms and farmer’s markets and preserve your bounty with some easy to make jam.  Have fun!

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